What happens when you do a normal Manual Take Off (are there any others?) and you lose the Navigation Display at 15,000 feet & still in Climb mode with Thrust1 the Engine setting. the options are:
1. Dump Fuel & return to the field declaring a PAN (Emergency call) & request assistance?
2. Continue to Climb & fly the sector off the CDU (Controi Display Unit) as it controls the FMC (Flight Management Computer) & fly Visually to the next airport at YBBN (Brisbane), requesting a service & delaying passengers; possibly needing to find accommodation for them? There the ND can be recycled & examined for any faults.
3. Pull a Circuit Breaker & pray that the Outflow Valves will cool down the electronics & restore the ND.
The answer for me this week was Option 2. After setting up the YSSYKLAX01.situ file on Aerowinx I expected to climb & then practice alternates from FL290., however Aerowinx threw in an emergency that was unplanned & certainly not planned for, hence the value of the software.
Below is the standard Manual TO from Page 268 in the old text manual or page 556 in the new PDF VERSION.
Here is a Screenshot of what it looked like while in Autopilot mode.
Vulnerable is how I felt without the ND display, looking at the CDU & hoping it would hold together with its backup systems & it did while I tried to remember all of the Mental calculations around TAS (True Air Speed) & GS (Groundspeed).
Going into the Instructor Page to reset all Faults, nothing worked & I realised that the software had chosen the crisis. The problem with the Circuit Breaker solution is there is no time to open a manual & locate it while flying a combination of Autopilot & hand-flying focusing on the PFD (Primary Flight Display).
Apologies for not answering the Mid Week Encouragement question due to storyboarding a potential aviation production.
The answer was at:
1. 1,500 feet AGL (Above Ground Level), go to Flaps 20
2. Set Manouvre speed +10, &
3. Adjust Thrust (Power) as required.
There will be no Mid-Week question this week as I don`t like to disappoint you.
From a chiily & cloudy Sydney (YSSY) till next time,
May all of your Climb parameters be accurate ones
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