The B777 accident & how Aerowinx can help

It`s not often I get to share my love of flight simulation with local shop owners but the Emirates mishap in Dubai created an opening; alas all they could talk about was "that Boeing 777 crashed", & no matter how I explained it there was no progress.

Here is what a Dubai approach looks like, difficult & not a lot of time.

So I set up Aerowinx Johannesburg Gear problem & Belgian crosswinds to closely mirror what happened in Dubai.
So what happened. In the Belgian scenario I got caught out in similar conditions & crashed after nearly sailing past the upwind end of the runway Hmmm!

In the Johannesburg screenshot  above I suffered undershoot, attempted a go-around & FATAL DAMAGE. I engaged autopilot to take the Screen shot above for the blog.

I also attempted a Hard Landing at Johannesburg to replicate what happened with everything working only to suffer porpoising of the airframe (continuing to bounce along the runway) and not settling. In real life I may have ended up running off the end of the runway.

Note: Every private pilot has to deal with this situation during training or taking friends flying & it isn`t nice, & can lead to a major event occurring. So what did I learn?

1. Dubai can be difficult to fly
Note to journalists go & fly the approach at your nearest Flight Simulator centre before writing a story

2. Little seems to have been made of how there were no injuries; the airframe although long (74 feet) reacted as it should & the Boeing 777 was designed by computer from day one.

3. Aerowinx as a package allows us to fly a scenario quickly & safely to seek answers, that`s a long way from days of scanning accidents for vital clues.Remember how to we jumped up & down when Microsoft first released their "Flight Simulator" package?

Here is this weeks Mid-Week Encouragement question.

When flying a Manual approach & go to  TOGA (the TakeoffGoAround) switch to attempt a  Go Around, what is the Minimum Flap setting required? 

1. Flaps 10
2. Flaps 25
3. Flaps 20
Answer on Page 271 of the original text for Aerowinx.

2 Final notes.
First an apology for not posting last week but I was helping a colleague/friend about to do a jet conversion course locate the appropriate software

Secondly the PilotEyes DVD I mentioned a few weeks ago appear to be available on at the moment.

Till next time,



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