Aerowinx PS1 PS13 Approach & Go Around due to Windshear

Tonights Aerowinx Traning blog concerns Windshear training. It started as i was talking to a friend at my local coffee shop about moments as a pilot that had me really concerned & I admitted windshear was one of them.

The video shows the "old" Aerowinx" training displaying a wind shear exercise.You can shorten the viewing time by starting at about 1.10 if you want

The attached image shows a screen shot of a Windshear situation from the Alpha PSX version of Aerowinx, thanks to Hardy Heinlin. There also seems to be a wide variety of solutions in dealing with this potentially dangerous situation. There are seveeral post about recovery but in general terms they seem to be:

1. Level the wings with an eye on speed, particularly the stall speed
2. Apply max power smoothly as long as you have a 'stable" aircraft
3. Pitch approx. 15degrees nose up as approprate
4. Only raise the gear (if it is down) when the aircraft is stable & climbing away comfortably

Enjoy your weekend flying from the land of Oz.

Till next time,



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