The KJFK Canarsie VOR13L approach-memories of Hong Kong

My memory was activated into remembering the 'old" Kai Tak approach (VHHH) when I found the following Aerowinx "real deal" approach into New York (KJFK) on the VOR 13L  runway. 

This video uploaded an Aerowinx user named "evaamo" has the real "training feel" about it with the pilot in command  hand flying the approach down to the landing phase.

I managed to find the approach plate on United Virtual; it is also available from other websites.The approach plate clearly shows the right turn (which is almost continuous) down to the "piano key" markings of runway 13 Left.

If you would like a description of what is required operationally here is the document from Delta Virtual

.There is also a great discussion aboiut the detail of the approach at this thread at the Aerowinx site 

Topic: KJFK CANARSIE 13L visual  and information at the link below 

It`s great to know that approaches similar to the old Hong Kong (VHHH) are still available to test our skill level.

Till next time,

May you walk away from all of your landings 


No copyright infringement is intended from the video or links or forums but a healthy discussion in the interests of air safety


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