Dealing with Aerowinx flexibility

What makes Aerowinx stand out is its flexibility & Custom-ability as a major training package whether you use it for private or professional level on the now aging B744. 

To add to my skills level this week I set different time frames for the take-off sequence while setting Precipitation and Turbulence between  High & Moderate. It brought back memories of your flight instructor stating the following:

1.Don`t chase your airspeed! The B744  Visual Flight indicator is all over the PFD (Primary Flight Display when you attempt it and

2. Holding the nose on the PFD on   +10 degrees or as your flight instructor said "maintain a consistent nose attitude & maintain your focus", particularly during IMC (Instrument Meteorological Conditions)

For a further discussion about the flexibility of Aerowinx & it`s various overlays (which you can also download as a zip file) go to

Another challenging file in line with   our discussion above is 03-12-London-Loss of IRU (Inertial Reference Unit/s). Would love to see your posts on the topic/s above.

From a cool and crisp Sydney (YSSY), till next time,



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