What can we learn about Aerowinx from a B747-SP landing at KL in Malaysia?

This week I`ve decided to take a step backwards. In browsing the Web I stumbled upon this video of a landing of the Boeing 747SP.So what has that got to do with Aerowinx?
I was struck with how the PFD (Primary Flight Display, the MCP (Mode Control Panel) in particular & the engine-indicating and crew-alerting system (EICAS) have been simplified in their operation under the B747-400 design & it`s inter-related electronics.
It was rumoured that many whom flew on the older type (B747-200 et al) found transitioning to a simpler Flight Deck very difficult & a few having their flying careers cut short.
To smooth the training process and save money several Asian operators are experimenting with MCC (Multi crew cooperation) & training pilots on type from the beginning;there have not been any clear benefits so far, possibly because they lack all of the "hard" lessons from flying at their local club or airport.
Aerowinx software should be a major benefit if used by operators training younger applicants on the Boeing 747-400 from the ground up. Time will tell. The Type Training market is very competitive at the moment.
The only time I ever flew on a 747SP was on the Pan Am flight direct from YSSY (Sydney) to KLAX (Los Angeles) on PA816 in 1982 (First Class) on my way to Oshkosh for the world`s largest general aviation airshow & couldn`t wait to see the new music cable channel MTV (Music Television) which then was not in OZ.
The service was excellent but my neighbouring passenger only spoke to me for 3 minutes over the meal service for the whole flight.
I had a feeling he was some sort of classical music "star." A bit perplexing.
Till next time from Oz,
PS My apologies for not posting last time due to the perfect storm of my computer & internet collapsing at the same time.


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