Aerowinx PSX -- Landing with all engines out

If you`re a regular reader of this blog this week I tackled the exercise that i wasn`t able to get right a few weeks ago; landing with all 4 engines out!

While appearing simple in the video the "transfer of training' is not just an issue but THE ISSUE for all of us whom want to improve their airmanship kills.

Enjoy attempting it & let me know how successful you are.I would be interested in training tips you can share with us.

I remember doing forced landing training at Bankstown (YSBK) in Sydney for my license, however landing a much larger machine with its complexities creates some real challenges listed below:

1.Maintaining a consistent scan PFD (Primary Flight Display) absorbing all of the information in front of you

2.Maintaining a consistent and accurate speed while remaining in trim monitoring the PFD

3.Absorbing all of the information in front of you while on final approach through the ND (Navigational Display),LEGS page of the FMC (Flight Management Computer, and all of the Yellow Displays demanding attention on the EICAS (Electronic Indicating Crew Alert System)

One of the real helps provided by Aerowinx is the updated real world weather that you can access via the Instructor station adding to the reality of the exercise.

Usually I grab a coffee afterwards & try to rationally seek a solution working through each step of the forced landing slowly.For instance a forced landing at EDDF (Frankfurt) is very different to Anchorage, Alaska (PANC) with its circle to land approach.

Apart from the exercise what is your happiest memory of landing in a B744 either as operational crew or as a passenger/load master on a cargo flight?

I`ve discovered that in Perth here in Oz, that Aerowinx software is used at this flight simulation business, Flight Simulation. Wonder if my football team the Sydney Swans are playing there soon?

Have an enjoyable weekend and may your Forced Landing/s be successful without a damaged airframe.It`s cold here in Oz with Arctic winds as we endure winter, almost like living in the UK.

Till next time,



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