Apologies for not posting for a while but due to medical complications I`ve had some major restrictions but thanks be to God I`m slowly healing.

In keeping with my promise to test some of the major .situ files I recently attempted  Training 701 - Takeoff A which places you on Helsinki (EFHK) at the Vantaa the major airport in the middle of the city on runway 15.

After doing a full Pre-Takeoff checklist and ensuring Auto throttle moves all of the throttles forward everything proceeds normally when just on VR (Rotation speed( there is an engine failure which means you can either fly away if your just about flying or apply full reverse thrust & the speed brake; it`s an either/or situation which if applied during a licence test  could lead to some major discussion.

Because I hadn`t flown for over 90 days I crashed in both scenarios, & eventually managed to apply all braking but as can be seen from the image I probably ended up placing the airframe in the runway over run area hopefully without any major damage
Let me know how you find the situation file & may all of your take-offs be successful ones.

If anyone has done a JOC (Jet Orientation Course) in any of the various flight simulators around the world how did you find it in built your flying confidence? Was it value for money? Were you able to use it in gaining a job in any form?

Till next time,



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