[HD] Boeing 747-200 high speed rejected take-off (engine failure)

Here is this weeks video which is part of a MCC (Multi Crew Cooperation) training at the Commercial Pilot Licence level to train pilots in team skills on complex aircraft, thereby shortening the time taken to convert to type (say Second Officer) and join flight operation staff. A quick search on the Web shows at least 3 "Aviation Academys`"  mostly in Melbourne conducting this method of training.

As you can hear the pilot flying is really struggling to slow the aircraft down, displaying the real problem of transfer of training which i wrote about 2 weeks ago.

This is a situation that Aerowinx is built for.If you have the old 838a.situ files from Hardy + the "Old 744 Forum" hang on to them as they are no longer available but contain challenging takeoffs from a higher elevation AMSL (Above Mean Sea Level), plus the usual ones contained in the Situations Folder.

Question: What is the maximum height AMSL that a B747-400 can take off from.

Is it:
a. 2.000 feet
b. 6750 feet
c. 10000 feet

Clue:The answer is on page 241 of the old text manual, let me know where the answer is in the new PDF Operations Manual if you locate it.

Mike Thompson. now retired  (ex Virgin) if you read this you took me for crosswind landings out at Bankstown (YSBK) during my flight training days.

Happy in Oz, the Sydney Swans AFL football team won last night.

Till next time,


PS I will post the answer on Wednesday for some mid-week encouragement.


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