A real B747-438 takeoff; how does it compare to Aerowinx software?

While having to rest up from a "bruised rib" injury leading to a slow painful recovery. I came across this B747-438 VH-OJC (Oscar Juliet Charlie) taking off from runway 16 Right (the long one out into Botany Bay) which I believe gives a very realistic observation of how busy an cockpit is in reality as I feel sometimes the wonderful Aerowinx software is a "tad slow" even with 64-bit memory.

Let me know what you think; perhaps I`ll have to do a complete reinstall although I have been told to hang on for Windows 10.

Enjoy till next time,


PS If anyone has a monitor that is compatible with Windows 98 and the drivers could you let me know please; yes Windows 98 .Thanks


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