Views of the old and new Aerowinx

Getting itchy about when the new Aerowinx X is going to be released and wondering whether to buy a second hand Mac, I cam across these 2 videos on Youtube which is entitled Aerowinx PS13 747 Approach and Landing Frankfurt (EDDF / FRA showing how the xurrent and older version works while over at there is Hardy Heinlin the developer showing how the forthcoming Aerowinx Precision Simulator 10 (alpha version 55)  is functioning. It appears that some of the smaller steps which were "missed" in the earlier version are now included, and will retest "ze little grey cells" and  the pilots dexterity while flying the 747-400 particularly in the variety of Approach modes.

Take a look, apparently this new version (or baby) is due for delivery in August, 2014. Better start saving NOW!!! The Mac? still might get it. Does anyway still have a Win 98 compatible monitor?

Enjoy the skys.

Kind regards



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